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"SHE MEETS YOU WHERE YOU'RE AT. I've been a part of several intuitive eating communities and always felt like I was doing something 'wrong.' Dr. Reinold's kind compassion and empathy helps me not feel like that. She validates ALL emotions- even if I still want to lose weight. I've slowly REWIRED my thoughts and now am beginning to truly love myself, something I never thought possible. You won't regret working with Dr. Reinold." - Molly
"I've REWIRED my thoughts!"
"LIKE NOTHING ELSE OUT THERE! Seriously, Dr. Reinold's course is unlike anything else. I've been on countless diets and purchased several intuitive eating/ anti-diet programs and NEVER have gotten out of them what I got out of Dr. Reinold's course. It's easy to digest and totally MIND-BLOWING. Worth every penny." - MC